
Tuesday 2 April 2013

Home-made Egg-less ice-creams: Rose-water Ice-cream

In an attempt to experiment more with home-made ice-creams we tried out rose-water ice-cream at home. The biggest challenge in using rose-water is that it is a very delicate flavour that will loose it's potency if cooked and can be easily overpowered by the use of corn flour or custard powder. So we tried to make our Rose-water ice-cream without the use of corn flour, eggs or custard powder. While, it was not as smooth and creamy as the coconut ice-cream, it still turned out great with the flavour of rose-water intact and is totally refreshing. Can't wait for summer to roll on soon so that we can make more of these...

You will need (to make around 1 ltr):
500 ml evaporated milk
250 ml whole milk
284 ml double/whipping cream
100 g caster sugar
1/8 tsp salt
4-5 tbsps rose water (use more or less depending on how strong you like the flavour to be)
few drops of pink food colouring

In a large mixing bowl, mix evaporated milk, whole milk, rose water, caster sugar and the food colouring well. Whip the double/whipping cream to make whipped cream. Fold it into the milk-mixture gently.

Refrigerate for 2-4 hrs (we left it from 8 am to 6 pm). If using ice-cream maker, pour the mixture into chilled ice-cream maker pan and follow the instructions for your ice-cream maker. If not wanting to use ice-cream maker, you can try David Lebovitz technique, given here.

Since this ice-cream does not have a custard base, the consistency will be lightly softer at the end of the ice-cream maker's cycle. Place the ice-cream in an air tight container and into the freezer overnight before serving.

When ready to serve, leave the ice-cream outside for 20-30 mins before scooping out the ice-cream.

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