
Tuesday 2 April 2013

Buckwheat adai (quicker version)

After an overdose of ice-creams for this week, I thought I will get back to my healthy recipes. Like I have mentioned in my previous posts, buckwheat is a great healthy substitute for dishes that use rice and/or wheat. Since buckwheat is a fruit it is one of the low glycemic index food groups. We can replace all of the rice in making traditional dosais or adais. For the traditional recipe for making South-Indian adai, see here. However, tonight I was in a hurry with a hungry and tired Anjalie wanting adai. So I made this quicker version that uses some of the left overs from lunch as well. Two birds with one stone! ;)

You will need:
1 cup buckwheat flour
1/4 cup urad dhal flour (optional)
salt to taste 
To grind:
1 cup cooked rice
1/2 cup cooked dhal of any kind (I used chickpeas/split peas dhal)
1 inch piece ginger peeled and chopped
1-2 fresh green chillies (for adults)
water as needed

Optional veggies:
Carrots/beetroot- grated
onions chopped
tomatoes chopped

Grind the ingredients given in the list for "to grind" into a smooth paste.

Mix all the ingredients in a pan with enough water to make a pouring pancake batter consistency.

Heat a lightly greased skillet/griddle/tawa to medium heat. Pour 3-4 tbsps of the batter into the griddle and make a small pancake. Cook for 1 min until teh top looks cooked and the bottom is golden brown.

Turn the dosai over and cook for another min. Serve warm with your favourite chutney and/or sambar. Buckwheat dosais and adais are usually darker in colour than rice-based ones and have nutty flavour which will appeal to children.

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