
Monday 1 April 2013

Home-made Egg-less ice-creams: Coconut ice-cream

Today is the second day of blue skies and sunny weather, albeit, with cold temperatures around 1 degrees Celsius. Just seeing the lovely blue skies made us all think of warm summer weather. Hopefully, we will have it soon. Along with thoughts of summer came thoughts of ice-creams: rich, creamy and freezing cold. Since, we now are proud owners of a simple electric ice-cream maker (nothing fancy), we thought "why not make our own ice-cream". My all-time favourite, when it comes to ice-cream, is Coconut ice-cream. So we decided to try that one first. Most ice-cream recipes use egg-based custard to give the creamy body to the ice-creams. But none of us care for the egg-y flavour creeping in our ice-creams. Another way to give the texture and body to the ice-cream is by using packaged custard powder which is mainly made of corn flour, other flavourings and colourings. We thought that we will ditch the artificial flavourings and colourings and simply use the corn flour like they do in Italian Gelato. Luckily, for us amateurs, our first ice-cream turned out great.

You will need (makes 1.5 ltr) :
2 cans of coconut milk (total 800 ml)
150 g condensed milk
1/4 cup dessicated coconuts
100 g granulated white sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp corn flour
284 ml double/whipping cream

Mix the corn flour in 5-6 tbsps of coconut milk well without forming lumps. Set aside.

In a sauce pan, mix condensed milk, coconut milk, salt, sugar and heat them up in medium heat. When bubbles start appearing around the edge, slowly add the corn flour mixture into the sauce pan and continue to heat up the mixture.

When the mixture comes to a boil and thickens (around the same time). Turn off the stove and allow it cool to room temperature. If you dip a spoon into the mixture and draw a line in the back of the spoon it should still hold when the spoon is shaken. That shows that the custard is ready.

Add the dessicated coconut and mix well. Let the mixture cool well to room temperature.

Mean while, whip the double cream until it forms soft peaks.

Slowly fold the whipped cream into the custard.

Mix well and leave it for at least 2 hrs in the fridge to cool down. We left it overnight.

If you have an ice-cream maker, pour the custard into the pre-chilled ice-cream pan and follow the instructions for your machine. You can also make ice-cream without an ice-cream maker following David Lebovitz technique given here.

When the ice-cream maker is done, you can store them in airtight container in the freezer...

if you have any remaining that is!

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