
Saturday 1 June 2013

Round up -Healthy Me and Healthy US May 2013

Thank you! to all the lovely ladies who sent us the most delicious and healthy recipes for the Healthy Me & Healthy US May 2013 event. I have personally tried a few of these and have bookmarked the rest to try out soon. These recipes are further evidence that healthy food can also be delicious. Eating healthy does not necessarily mean depriving ourselves from enjoying our food every bit. Here is the round-up of the May 2013 edition of Healthy Me & Healthy US event (in alphabetical order of first names).

Bhagawathy Sharma of bugsworld is a personal friend, a wonderful mum and a kind human being who enjoys cooking simple recipes and blogs about yummy food and caring for children with special needs.

Instant Quinoa Dosai 
Almond Oats Cracker

Denise Nathan of Oh Taste n See is a self-described foodie, big eater, baker, cook and recipe hunter who enjoys photography. The fantastic shots of these yummy recipes is a must see!

Linsy Patel of Home cook food is a lovely mum of two who believes in healthy home-made food for her children and a food lover who loves to cook and make new friends.

Everything Kofta

Parathas from leftover rice

Whole Wheat Pav for pav bhaji

Manali Joshi of Cravings is a devoted blogger of vegetarian and vegan food who gives such a tempting description of the main ingredients in her posts that we feel like going right out and buying them.

Pankti aka techi2mom of My Cooking Adventure is a wonderful mum, home maker and an adventurer who, like me, enjoys reading P. G. Woodehouse's works and Potter series. What are the odds! 

Haandvo - Indian savory cake

Masala Bread - An Indianised bread with Fenugreek

Steamed Muthiya

Priya Yallapantula of Mharo Rajasthan's Recipes needs no introduction, but, here it is anyway for the sake of completion. Priya has some lovely collection of the most delicious and healthy vegetarian food in her blog and is doing a fantastic job of promoting healthy food habits for all of us and our families.

Brussel Sprouts Warm Salad

Strawberry Coconut Lime Juice

and finally from me

Baked Piroshki

Buckwheat Puttu
Barley Kichdi
Once again, my heart felt thanks to all you great gals! A special thanks to Priya for letting me host this event and, thus, giving me an opportunity to get to know you guys a little bit through these recipes. Hope you & families are all healthy and happy. Cheers!!

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