
Sunday 21 April 2013

Spanish Omelette

This one is our typical brunch favourite for the entire family here. Despite being a vegetarian I do eat and like eggs in all forms. So this is perfect as a late brunch during weekends and holidays after a much needed lie-in in the mornings. It is healthy, quick and very filling. For those counting calories or worried about their cholesterol level, this can be made with just egg whites. Despite making this very often at home I have not had a chance until today to take pictures for a step-by-step recipe for this blog. The main reason being this dish usually features as brunch/breakfast and I am usually attempting to do this quickly and set the table for us before Anjalie gets too hungry. Our family loves all things with potatoes and this is no exception. We do like a lot of potatoes in our omelette. But you can adjust according to your taste. The authentic Spanish Omelette does not have anything other than onions and potatoes. I make ours that way as well and serve it with a side of grilled mushrooms and tomatoes. But you can add sweet peppers, mushroom, tomatoes etc and cheese if you prefer.

You will need:
1/2 med onion finely chopped
3 medium potatoes - peeled and sliced thinly to 1/4 inch
3 large eggs
2 tbsp milk
salt and black pepper to taste
3 tbsps oil

Heat 2 tbsp oil in a skillet to medium and fry onion until transparent.

Add the thinly sliced potatoes. Season with salt and black pepper. Cover and cook over low heat turning occasionally. Sprinkle with water now and again to avoid the potatoes from sticking to the bottom of the skillet.

Fry until the potatoes start to turn golden brown and are all well cooked. Mean while, beat the 3 eggs with milk and season with salt and black pepper to taste.

Preheat the oven to grill/broil. Transfer the potatoes to a bowl. Add 1 tbsp oil to a oven proof dish/pan (that can be used on a stove top as well) and heat the pan to med-low. Add half the egg mixture and evenly spread the potatoes on top the eggs to cover them thoroughly.

Pour the rest of the egg mixture.

Cook over med-low heat for 2-3 min until golden brown on the bottom. Pop the pan into the oven and grill for 3-5 mins until the top is golden brown. If using a skillet make sure that the plastic handle can take the heat.

Serve warm with toast, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms.

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