
Monday 22 April 2013

Pineapple iced-tea

This post is dedicated to all my friends and family in India who are experiencing the infamous Scorching Summer...

With temperatures here reaching around 12 degree Celsius, we are enjoying ourselves by spending as much time as possible outdoors. Naturally, doing activities outside leaves us craving for a refreshing drink and what is better than iced-tea? Anjalie's favourite fruit is pineapple and so I thought I can make a variation to the regular iced-tea (with lemon) by adding pineapple juice to it. Yesterday, Anjalie's little friend came over for a visit/play-date with her parents. We all enjoyed a nice day out playing football and having fun outside in the garden. When we got back inside I had cold pineapple iced-tea waiting for us in the fridge. A few ice cubes made it extra cold and totally refreshing. It was a super-hit yesterday with all of us. We all agreed that it was the perfect drink after a day spent outdoors. So here I am sharing the recipe with you all. I used ginseng in adults' iced-tea due to the many health benefits of ginseng. However, I do not recommend giving ginseng to children. I have read a lot of controversial opinions on it. So I suggest that we play it safe. I had added peppermint to the children's tea instead and made their iced-tea with decaf tea bags. You can totally skip peppermint if you wish. I used cane molasses to sweeten our iced-tea instead of regular sugar. In India, cane molasses is believed to have cooling effect on the body. But I tend to use it due to the anti-oxidants in it. You can use regular granulated sugar or honey or any of your favourite sweetener. Here is the recipe...

You will need (for 2 adult-size/ 4 children-size servings):
2 teabags (use decaf tea for children)
1.5 cup water
1/4 cup pineapple juice
1 tsp lemon juice
sugar/molasses/honey/golden syrup to taste
ice cubes as needed
1 ginseng/peppermint tea bag

Boil water and steep all the tea bags for 3 mins. Discard tea bags, add sweetener to taste and refrigerate for at least 2 hrs.

When ready add pineapple juice, lemon juice and ice-cubes and serve cold and enjoy!

Sending this one to April edition of Healthy Me & Healthy Us event hosted by Priya.

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