
Sunday 10 March 2013

Rose water cupcakes/ fairy cakes

Today is Mothering Sunday/Mother's day here in the UK. Anjalie is learning all about it and has made me a card. When I thought about what I really would like, as a treat, for my Mother's day I realized that I enjoy baking things with Anjalie. It combines two of my favorite activities: cooking and enjoying my time with her :)  But the question was "What to bake?" It has to be something special for Mother's day. But something easy for Anjalie to help as well. So I decided to do cupcakes/fairy cakes. But I am truly fed up of vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flavors. Every time I buy a cupcake these are the usual choices (well, sometimes I get mint ones too). So I decided to try using the rose water that I have and make a  rose-flavored cupcakes. Unlike vanilla, rose-water will lose it's flavor at high temperatures and so cannot be cooked. So I came up with the idea of using sugar syrup to flavor the cupcakes after I bake them. Butter-cream is my favorite frosting. So I stuck to it but added rose water to flavor that too instead of vanilla.

The cupcakes came out moist, bursting with rose-water flavor all the way through. The cupcakes turned out a little on the sweeter side like the cupcakes we used to get in New York while we lived there. Even the icing was a bit towards the rich and sweet side. So, the only thing I will change in this for the next time is reduce the amount of sugar a little bit in the cupcakes and reduce the amount of cream cheese in the frosting. But you can adjust the sugar amount according to your taste.

You will need:
For the cupcake:
110 grams all purpose flour (sifted)
110 grams sugar
110 grams butter (softened to room temperature)
2 large free range eggs/ 1/2 cup egg substitute
1 tsp pink food coloring (optional)
1 and 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
2-4 tbsp milk
For the syrup:
50 grams sugar
50 grams water
2 tsp rose water

For the butter-cream icing/frosting:
50 grams butter
100 grams cream cheese ( I used Philadelphia light cream cheese)
150 grams icing sugar
1 tsp rose water
1/2 tsp pink food coloring (optional)

In a mixing bowl, mix all the dry ingredients well. Line up a muffin pan with muffin/cake liners and preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius/350 degrees Fahrenheit (170 degrees Celsius for fan assisted ovens).

Beat sugar and butter using a electric mixer until creamy and soft.

Add one egg (or half the substitute) at a time and beat in medium speed for another minute each. Do not over beat at this step.

Mix it just enough to incorporate the egg well. If using egg the mixture may look curdled. But it is fine. If you want to avoid the curdled "look" you can add a tbsp of flour along with the egg.

Add the flour little bit at a time and fold it into the egg mixture gently with a spatula/spoon.

until all the flour is incorporated. Add in the food coloring if using.

Add the milk 1 tbsp at a time until you reach batter with dropping consistency.

Pour the batter into 12 equal amount (unlike me!) into the cake liners.

Bake for 10-15 mins until a tooth pick inserted in the middle of a cake comes out clean. Leave them to rest in the muffin tin for 3-5 more mins.

Mean while, add 50 grams of sugar to 50 grams of water in a sauce pan

and bring them to a boil until the sugar is well dissolved.

Turn off the stove and add 2 tsp of rose water to the syrup.

While the cakes are still warm add the syrup on top of the cakes and let them absorb the rose water. Remove the cakes from the pan and let them cool on a wire rack.

Once the cake is cool. You can frost/add icing to it. In a mixing bowl add butter and cream cheese

and beat them together with a electric mixer until smooth

Add the food coloring and rose water and a little icing sugar at a time and beat at low speed until it is all incorporated. Decrease the amount of cream cheese and/or butter used here if you want a stiffer looking icing.

Pipe the icing onto the completely cooled cakes and add any decoration you like (or you can get your helpers to do this bit!)

Happy Mothers Day!!

Hope your day is filled with wonderfully sweet memories that lasts a long time like the flavor of the rose water in these cup cakes. Enjoy!

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